CYBENETICS LTD Syrou 6, Latsia, 2231, Nicosia Cyprus
Corsair RM750x (ΑΤΧ v3.1)
Serial NumberA7QQA404M007FC
Lab IDCR75002406
  • Report: 24PS2406A
  • Receipt Date: Mar 14, 2024
  • Test Date: Apr 4, 2024
  • Report Date: Apr 5, 2024
Efficiency Rating
Noise Rating
Aristeidis Bitziopoulos, Lab Director

General Information

DUT Information

DUT Specifications

Power Specifications

Test Equipment

Cables and Connectors

Parts Description

Test Results

Temperature & Compliance Info

Performance Summary

Hold-Up Time & Power Ok Signal

Vampire Power



Efficiency Graph

Noise Graph

Indicative Performance

Efficiency under high ambient temperature

5VSB Efficiency

5VSB Efficiency (ERP LOT 3/6 & CEC)

Supplementary Tests (For Reference)

Typical Load Tests

Light Load Tests

Ripple Measurements

Corsair RM750x (ΑΤΧ v3.1)

Top side
Power specifications label
All data and graphs included in this test report can be used by any individual on the following conditions:
› It should be mentioned that the test results are provided by Cybenetics
› The link to the original test results document should be provided in any case
Cybenetics offers the ETA and Lambda voluntary certification programs, through which the efficient and silent power supplies are promoted
CYBENETICS LTD Syrou 6, Latsia, 2231, Nicosia Cyprus